Tag Archives: advertising

Open the Door

3 Sep

Open the door. Seems easy enough. But, hey, we’ve had many a sales guy tell us there are times when they’d rather just drive on by than stop, open the car door, open a potential customer’s door and present options before calling on a decision to be made. Whether you’re in sales or not, your professional paths are sure to come across some moments when the best thing you do is open that door and make the introduction or present the deal. So, could you agree that sometimes opening the door is the toughest part of making a sale?

Opening the door can also carry significant figurative weight. “God never closes one door without opening another” has been featured on countless trinkets, encouraging people to keep their heads up and press ahead through tough times.

You can imagine the panic of someone locked in or locked out who is demanding “OPEN THE DOOR!” I was recently shut out of my own nine-year-old daughter’s room. I said “open the door” quite clearly and I was not thinking of the phrase’s sales or life perspectives. I had an immediate need to reach her and I was emphatic that the door open right away.

Have you ever had stage fright? The door might be a curtain or it might be just a fear to take that first step and open the door of your public criticism (or praise). Yikes – open the door and step out in front of others. Leadership is tough and performing is tough, but we’re sometimes called to take that step, aren’t we?

Many of us church-raised people have been singing songs about Jesus knocking at the door our entire lives. Yes, he’s knocking and all we have to do is…there it is again…open the door. That signifies an opening of our hearts, minds and will to that of the supreme Savior who can and will transform our lives and who will declare our eternities.

So, those three words “Open the Door” could mean something different to all of us.

When the blog schedule (which I’ve clearly not held to well at all) was first drafted, I was supposed to write a blog for each letter of the alphabet. They’re all marketing-related, tip-oriented topics and so, at the time of that calendar commitment, this blog was intended to motivate you as marketing and sales people – as communicators – to open the door and get the job done. See the task ahead and start taking steps to get there. Work through the tough moments and keep opening doors, cutting red tape, communicating your way through objections and getting closer to the solution and/or goal. I still feel a sincere calling to urge you to be tenacious in the task you have and work diligently toward the end goal. That starts with a goal, with a clear desire to reach the cause. GIVE A CARE. Want it. Get to it. Open that door and make it happen. I am great at this in some aspects of my life (like PR plans for clients) and horrible about this in other aspects of my life (like exercise plans). So, I know it’s tough and I hope this catches you at a time when you can claim a new mantra. Just open the door. One more step. Put yourself in the position to get it done and get it done well. Be there. Open. The. Door.

So, that’s the point I wanted to make and that I’m glad to make on Beacon’s behalf. We have had that conversation with numerous clients who just needed to get the foot out there, put it down in a forward motion and take the next step. We’re glad to come alongside them and help them be more confident and prepared and focused as they do so. If you’ll humor me, though, I’d like to take this topic in a completely new direction that’s a little more about my personal life than my Beacon advice. That ok?


Open the door. Sigh. Where do I begin? Years ago Natalie Grant came out with a CD (remember the shiny, flat, round things we used to put in hardware audio devices before we all played music on our handhelds?). Her CD had themes of surrender that struck me in a meaningful way. Coupled with prayer and journaling moments – intimate moments with my amazing friend Jesus (I just can’t make that sound cool to some of you, I know. I’m a dork. Read on.) – I discovered areas of my life that I was refusing to surrender. Over a period of months, I began to sing that CD to the skies all times of the day and at all volumes from silent prayers to tearful cries. I was ready for God to awaken me and use me, no matter what. I was prepared for him to hold me, even if it doesn’t work out like I’d hope. The wreckage that unfolded soon after has been devastating. Everything crumbled slowly and painfully, yet I felt God’s unwavering sustenance and guidance. Years later, it all still hurts but I know I there was a nearly miraculous transformation that freed some souls when I opened the door; when I raised my hands and told God to clean our lives and use us best. I’m still not sure what His purpose was in some of that situations. Both the process and end result have not been beautiful and easy. Yet I trust. I have an open hymnal on my piano turned to “Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go,” and that is just where I camped my heart. I learned that being RIGHT can feel better than being HAPPY in some strange way. Peace and joy would seep out of our lives and our testimonies, even though we were amidst painful situations and being persecuted with lies. I know God’s growing me and my girls, and even some friendships through this but shew – it bites.

Another chapter of that strange whirlwind-like experience has come more recently as I became convicted about some other issues, like financial responsibility. I felt I needed to rediscover some better ways of managing our budget. More pressing, I was coping with constant reminders that my kids were in chaotic, stressful situations. While I had believed, for several years, that we would always be in that yucky circumstance and we must just endure, it’s clear to me now that He orchestrated a variety of conversations and situations together for my clarity. Could He care so much for little ol’ me; for just our little bunch? It’s overwhelming! It creates a sense of awe and fear at the same time. I again (but still reluctantly) began to OPEN THE DOORs of my life; doors I didn’t realize I had closed. I addressed responsibilities I had already given over to the providence of God, yet somehow taken back over into my corners of worry and fruitless work. I opened the door and surrendered all the way again. That led me to make a decision with full confidence and zero doubt. We moved a few states away. Quickly. Nuts? Maybe a little. Right? Absolutely. Stressed? Umm, yes! At peace? In all the ways that count, yep! So, here we are.

My prayer is that I never get stuck in the daily grind again in such a way that the doors close. I think any fruit my life did bear quickly rotted by the rest of my stinky attitude and ignorance. I was definitely cramping things and flailing around frustrated. So, my goal is to stop that and open the door to new. I pray we stay focused on Him on a daily – no momentary – basis so that a surrender to Him isn’t such a life-shaking event, but rather a lifestyle. It is through Him and only through Him that we’ll be ok. Right? I mean we can’t try any harder, do any better, endure any longer, cope any stronger. It’s not even about us and our state of comfort. That’s the entirely wrong gauge on the entirely wrong instrument for getting through life. Reminds me of Ephesians, among other books. Chapter 2 verses 9 & 10 NLT say “Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Love that! It’s about his plan – not us at all. So read the whole thing…it’s all so good. I love when you work on into Ephesians 3:16-19, again NLT, where it says “I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” Let’s all pray that together and be made complete for his purpose. Let’s open our doors and refocus our lives on what really matters because, whether you’re an Oklahoman or a Kentuckian, you know the point here is that it ain’t about us! Only he can make the way.

Ok, enough personal gushing.

::Open the door! Love ya’ll!::

Master, Pro, Guru, Expert, Opinion Leader…

7 Jul

“Strive for mastery, big or small. Your audience will be impressed.” That’s the closing line of this quick video, narrated by Beacon PR’s strategist Rebecca Henley (and we think she says niche funny. Don’t you? Ha!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3XmzpBRNbg Well, what do you think about that statement and the idea that being THE pro will matter to your target audience?

Example one for your consideration: Do you think most preachers know Dr. Moeller’s general position on hot topics today? Just take a preview of the topics highlighted on the left pane of his blog http://www.albertmohler.com/. He’s taking a stance and staying in the content marketing arena regularly. If you’re a prospective seminary student or a pastor looking for the next book to read, do you see how it’s easy to respect Dr. Moeller’s level of notoriety and industry-recognized expertise? Do you think professors and other leaders are eager to be part of his administration at Southern Seminary?

Example two: When a colleague expressed interest in adding another monitor to our office for presentations, why do you think I was so quick to mention a client who can advise us from concept to installation? Aspen Custom Electronics knows the latest in digital signage, beyond just a conference room style TV set up. They’ll mount it and I can stay focused on doing what I do – not putting screws in the wrong place or investing in last year’s technology instead of the modern versions. I trust them with that decision and want to rely on their expertise.

I could go on! Look to the global marketing for your industry, the regional habits of your subject area and your local perspectives. Do you see gurus? The go-to person?

While every campaign Beacon touches is completely customized and no one size fits all, my bet is that your audience will care about your level of expertise, at least to some degree.

Strive for mastery, big or small. Your audience will be impressed. In today’s information age, content is king. Your ability to create meaningful material for the web-scouring potential customers out there will be crucial to your success. Harvesting success stories from existing customers and turning them into branding ambassadors and/or additional content creators will be another key aspect of your marketing programming. Gone are the days when marketing plans consist of direct mail, enews, media hits, signage, ads and a few special events. Regular content blitzing into every channel viewers may be peeking is the name of the game. Content marketing is the game changer and your marketing budgets and plans need to be keeping up. Your website is the hub, so ensure that it’s built on the best platform with the greatest security for the future – all centered around a content manager that empowers dynamic updates and customization. Gone are the days when “experts” had to have PhDs and spent each waking moment in research and teaching. Some still do, but you can add a megaphone to your brand through positioning yourself or others on your team as the guru, expert and go-to pro. Find your niche (neesh, as Rebecca would say 🙂 ) and build your level of expertise to such a fluent level, you have information and content pouring – oozing – out of you with confidence and clarity. Package that in a meaningful, relevant, powerful, professional yet real and fast manner. Your audience will stand up and take notice while competitors look on and wonder how you’re churning it out. Building momentum from the expertise you can portray through effective marketing systems will help add fuel to the fire when editors take notice, stories are placed, and visitors pour in. Be THAT GUY. Be the guru. Make it happen. LOVE IT every step of the way!

:: Need help? Beacon can explain content marketing more and help you find your voice and prioritize the right channels. Here’s to your mastery! ::

ABCs of Marketing – D is for Determination

4 Oct

Are you doing your time or do you really have a fire in your belly to reach a particular goal? Are you determined and on target, based on a meaningful strategy? Or are you just trying to get through your days? Be determined, starting right now. Develop your vision and map out how to get there and then base future decisions on that vision.

Imagine the days of old when enthusiastic sailors and business people embarked on a journey. Whether they were well prepared or not, strong or weak, planned the right route or worked from a bad map – there were many things that could complicate their trip to the desired destination. Being determined in the beginning is one thing. Combating burnout, overcoming objections and staying the course is quite another set of challenges. Staying on target to your end goal and wisely riding the waves of change to where you might even end up somewhere better than you planned – well that’s all about having a strategy that’s true to you.

Imagine the sailor now worn out and exhausted, searching for a way to regroup. Then, there. In the distance. A light. It’s consistent. It’s true. It never waivers. The captain and all on board trust, “I can just keep my eye in that direction, keep my ship pointed that way and I’ll get to a place where I can rest up, think it through, regroup and stay the course.” A beacon. That’s beautiful. Don’t you think? 

Be determined and on track, based on a strategy. Keep your eye on the light and stay the course.

Author Jim Collins uses example after example of how strong leaders carefully plot their course and then, with devotion and determination, they stick to that plan. Stillwater investment and insurance guru Patricia Huffman was recently talking about how so many young families WANT to make a plan and they don’t get around to it until they’ve lost some crucial opportunities. Worse, some people make a plan and then change the course so often that no plan ever reaches as positive a destination as the potential. Many professionals today don’t have to “imagine” the burnout, regret and Monday-morning-dread that consumes us when we’re not taking a proactive position to live with intention and determination! They don’t have to imagine, because they’re living it every day. STOP! No matter what your position or rank, you can set goals and be on mission. Pick yourself up and set out with refreshed hopes and renewed clarity.

Whether you’ve got “I’ll get around to it, but right now I have to…” disease or you have “Well, but what about that new idea” rabbit chasing disease, your marketing success will be weakened. The best marketers work hand-in-hand with operational executives to lead the company and all audiences in the same healthy direction. Audiences will watch you when you know where you’re going. Your sense of purpose gives employees, customers and everyone in between a sense of commitment and clarity, fueling efficient success.

Set out on your journey with your destination in site and a determination to get there! Get help along the way and work as a team to make sure your intentions don’t waver and your efforts aren’t threatened. Reach success one day, one project, one person at a time. ::

The ABCs of Marketing – B is for Beacon

25 Sep

Is life  mostly smooth-sailing in your world these days? Or are you recovering from a storm? Either way, are you anticipating a few upcoming waves? Like a crew on the sea diligently trying to reach success, doesn’t the idea of a tireless beacon of light signaling your best direction sound refreshing as you emerge from the dark to a safe place to rest up, regroup and stay the course? This concept is at the core and obvious namesake of Beacon Public Relations, here to steady the path and light the way to clients’ better relationships and stronger results for years to come.

As I write this, I sit in a teeny office right across from Stillwater, Oklahoma’s historic Postal Plaza. It’s now under renovation to become an art gallery and museum, I’m told. I walked up those steps years ago to meet with the board of a local non profit organization and their director, who is now a dear friend. I’d had wonderful professional developments and worked in agencies representing multiple clients before. However, my work with that non profit organization provided me the discovery of how a partnership – the beacon-style partnership like a steady lighthouse to a powerful ship – could be such a wonderful journey to share.

Wherever you are in your journey, consider the right partners to serve as your beacon. Spend time instilling your vision into them so they can unite as your comprehensive resource for security and success. From CPAs and financial planners, to employees, contractors and vendors – not to mention your Beacon PR trainers – choose your light source carefully. Please also allow me to stray from professional norms a moment and share my own personal belief that your career must be showered in prayer. Using discipline to focus on God’s intention throughout your days will open channels to joy and help reveal the right partners. Our awesome counselor will surprise you with countless opportunities and challenges, staying with you along the way. Trust Him and surrender. Follow THE beacon and, who knows, maybe that’ll lead to a partnership with Beacon PR someday! We sure love our days (storms & all) and our clients! :: We hope you love your days, too. ::



Beacon ABCs of Marketing – all Mediauras

21 Sep

Beacon ABCs of Marketing - all Mediauras

Download the “Stillwater Mediauras” app and scan these letters to get quickie videos on the ABCs of Marketing! If you’re on your phone now, click this picture to go straight to the download.